
Why Add Water Feature to Landscape Design, Water Feature Landscaping Benefits

Why Add Water Feature to Landscape Design? Water Feature Landscaping Benefits

There are a lot of components to consider when you’re figuring out how to design my backyard landscape. Aside from the decisions you make regarding plants, pavers, and patio landscape design ideas, you may also want to consider adding a water feature. But, you may be surprised to learn that there are more advantages to doing so than just adding a beautiful element that’s nice to look at. 

If you want to explore questions like why add water feature to landscape design and what the potential benefits of having a water feature are, you can continue reading below as we dive deeper into this important topic. 

What is a Water Feature?

Let’s clarify what water features are as it relates to landscape design. Then, we’ll be able to discuss the benefits of having a water feature more clearly. 

Water features refer to any elements of landscape design that incorporate water into the design. This includes things like a pond, fountain, stream, or waterfall. They can come in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on personal preferences, yard dimensions, and overall landscape design. However, there is often a wide range of benefits that can come from adding a water feature to your property, which we will touch on in more detail below. 

Why Add Water Feature to Landscape Design? 7 Water Feature Landscaping Benefits

Now we can take a look at water feature landscaping benefits so you can see why they’re such a great addition to your yard. 

Aesthetic Appeal: Elevating Your Landscape

By and large, adding a water feature to your landscaping can elevate your outdoor space and enhance the aesthetics of your yard. When you see a water feature like a bubbling fountain or a calm-flowing stream, you are immediately drawn in by the natural beauty of the feature. 

Adding a touch of grace and elegance to any outdoor space, water features are a great way to level up the look of your yard. It creates a stunning focal point that draws the eye in. 

Creates a Relaxing Ambiance: The Soothing Power of Water

The calming sound of flowing water does a great job of creating a relaxing and serene atmosphere. Both the look and the sound of the water can help to de-stress, allowing you to turn your backyard into a calming retreat where you can kick back and relax. 

The zen-like feel that water features add cannot be beaten, which is why so many people love the feel that water features add to their yards. 

Adds Value to Your Property

Water features give off a sense of luxury and class, so adding these to your landscape design is often a great way to boost your home’s value. Potential buyers will immediately notice the detail and care that went into creating a stunning water feature to complement the landscape design. Plus, it adds curb appeal that any visitor to your home will immediately notice. 

Invites Wildlife: Birds, Butterflies, and More

You can also create a more healthy ecosystem in your yard by adding a water feature. They attract incredible wildlife like butterflies, birds, and more, so you can create a flourishing garden space that helps support fauna. 

Not only does it help provide a habitat for this wildlife, but it also provides you with a wonderful viewing experience right from the comfort of your own yard. 

Improves Air Quality and Reduces Noise Pollution

Another great benefit of water features is they can help drown out the outside world, further creating a serene environment that everyone in your home will enjoy. The sound of running water will mask any less-desirable sounds like honking horns, traffic, neighborhood noise, and more. 

You may also be surprised to find out that water features can actually improve the quality of air on your property, too. Flowing water can act as a natural air purifier, removing dust, pollen, and other particles from the air surrounding your water feature. So if you want to keep the air in your yard feeling fresh, a water feature may be the ticket to achieving this. 

Very Low Maintenance Addition to Your Property

If you already have a low-maintenance landscape design on your property, adding a water feature will not create too much extra work for you on regular upkeep. Of course, this will depend on the exact water feature you choose to add to your property. 

But, you’ll be happy to know that there are plenty of options available that are low-maintenance, keeping the amount of work you need to put into it at a minimum. 

They’re Versatile: Any Property Can Benefit From Having a Water Feature Installed

All in all, any home would look great with an added water feature to the property. Given the versatility of water features, it’s easy to find one that complements the design of your outdoor space and is the right size for your yard. 

From large estates to quaint backyard gardens, adding a water feature adds a ton of charm and value to your property–without adding a ton of extra work and hassle. 

Are Backyard Water Features Worth It?

So, why add water feature to landscape design? Now that we’ve gone over some of the main benefits that water features can bring to your outdoor space, let’s explore some of the potential drawbacks, if any. 

Are There Any Drawbacks to Installing a Water Feature?

As amazing as water features can be, it’s important to be aware of some of the potential drawbacks as well. Keep in mind that water features can be expensive spending on the size and type of feature that you choose to add to your space. 

In addition, there are low-maintenance water features you can add to your yard; but, there are plenty that require a good amount of care and upkeep. So, make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into when you select a water feature. This is an important point to consider because if you don’t properly care for your water feature, you could end up with sitting water that attracts mosquitos and other pests to your yard. 

Further, you need to pay attention to the amount of water that the feature requires to operate, as this could add to your utility bill by quite a bit. 

So, Should You Invest in a Water Feature?

The above points are all important considerations to keep in mind as you’re deciding whether or not you want to add a water feature to your property. However, the variety of water features that are out there on the market means that you can easily find one that fits all your criteria and preferences. 

If you’ve done some careful consideration and chosen a water feature that fits your landscape design and your budget, adds value to the property, and requires an appropriate amount of maintenance for what you can provide, then you will be happy about the investment you made. 

The aesthetic appeal, serene qualities, and ecosystem-friendly nature of water features mean you can experience tons of benefits from adding a water feature to your property. Adding a water feature should not be a one-size-fits-all approach. So, tailor the process to your own unique needs and preferences to ensure you’re making a good investment. 

Tips for Bringing Your Water Feature Vision to Life

Clearly, the benefits of water features outweigh the possible drawbacks. So, when you’re ready to add one to your yard, you can follow through these tips to help you achieve the desired look you’re after. 

Choose a Type of Water Feature That Matches Your Existing Landscape

There are tons of landscape water feature ideas that you can choose from, so take your time to consider the different options available so you find the one that suits your landscaping best. 

Whether you’re looking for minimalist landscape design ideas or contemporary landscape design ideas for your water feature, you’ll be able to find a stunning option that fits your design preferences. Doing so will tie your whole yard together, creating a cohesive feel that is stately and sophisticated. 

You’ll want to figure out how to avoid landscaping mistakes that date your home, as choosing the wrong style of water feature can look odd and clash against your outdoor space if not chosen carefully. 

Consideration Factors: Space, Maintenance, and Budget

To successfully add a water feature to your home, you need to lay out soe specific criteria to help guide you as you shop around. This includes factors like the size of your space, and how big of a feature will look appropriate for your yard. 

Plus, as we discussed above, you need to do your research to ensure you’re adding a water feature that has required maintenance levels that you can handle. If you get too ambitious, you’ll quickly be frustrated with the amount of work and upkeep that goes into the water feature. So, look for options that fit your maintenance preferences. 

Lastly, set out a budget for yourself so you are only investing in water features that you’re comfortable spending on. You don’t have to break the bank to add a quality feature to your yard. But, you should have a clear budget laid out before you start shopping to help you make a good investment. 

The Role of Local Climate in Choosing a Water Feature

Depending on where you live, you may be limited to the types of water features you can add to your yard. Specifically, if you live in a region where temperatures regularly dip below freezing, you may need to drain the feature during the wintertime to prevent it from experiencing serious damage. 

Or, if the temperatures are expected to drop overnight, you may want to cover it up to prevent damage to the flora and fauna present in the water features. This also applies to the water pump that is used–you should bring it indoors during freezing temperatures to keep it from getting damaged. 

Choosing the Right Plants Around Your Water Feature

Adding the water feature to your yard is just the first step to incorporating it into your landscape design. To really pull off a cohesive look, you’ll want to add the right plants around the feature to make it feel natural and well-designed. 

Go for plants that are native to your area and correspond well to the design of the feature. Add in a variety of different plants, flowers, colors, and textures, creating a natural walkway that leads up to the feature to create a prominent focal point. 

Maintenance Tips for Your Water Feature

You’ll want to keep your water feature clean and well-maintained to avoid attracting any pests or  fostering the growth of any obnoxious odors and algae. 

The maintenance needs will depend on the exact feature you’ve installed in your yard. But, in general, make sure you’re regularly cleaning out the feature to prevent any unsightly buildup. This includes using a net to frequently remove leaves and other debris from the feature. Scrub down the hard surfaces of the feature to remove any algae or stains that can detract from its appearance. 

You should also regularly check the pH levels of the water to ensure its hospitable for wildlife and plants. Do proper pump maintenance to ensure the water is flowing and filtering properly, and make sure you’re aware of any winterization measures you’ll need to take when the temperatures drop. 

DIY vs Professional Design and Installation

You may be tempted to DIY the installation to save on your overall landscape design cost. But, going with a professional team for installation will ensure the job is done correctly. They will help you pick out the right water feature for the size and design of your property, your local climate, and find one that meets the maintenance criteria you’ve set out. 

Partner With Michaelangelo’s in Alpharetta, Ga and Experience the Benefits of Having a Water Feature Firsthand!

If you have a vision of adding a beautiful water feature to your property, but you’re not sure about all the details and considerations that need to go into it, work with a professional team like Michaelangelo’s to bring your dream to life. 

When you work with Michaelangelo’s landscape design in Alpharetta Ga, you’ll be able to see all the benefits and understand why add water feature to landscape design. Our team of experts can guide you along the entire process, ensuring you get the water feature that perfectly compliments your space and enhances the look of your property. 

But we don’t just help with water feature and landscape design, we can also provide custom drainage solutions to protect you from dealing with serious issues on your property like erosion and flooding. 

We are a trusted commercial landscape maintenance company that will put your commercial property in pristine condition with regular maintenance and high-quality landscape design. Plus, we are also a residential landscape maintenance company, helping homeowners in the area maintain their properties and keep their landscaping perfectly-manicured. 

Final Thoughts on the Water Feature Landscaping Benefits

After seeing all the benefits of having a water feature in your yard, you probably won’t want to wait any longer to get one installed on your property. With countless benefits, adding a water feature is a clear way to add value and intrigue to your landscaping. 

If you’re looking for an Alpharetta landscaping company to help you with your water feature selection, installation, and maintenance, Michelangelo’s is the perfect match for you. We are a full-service landscaping company, helping you enjoy the beauty of your property without having to lift a finger. 

From fire pit landscape design to helping you choose sustainable landscape design ideas and select the right types of drainage solutions for your property, we have you covered. Visit with an expert at Michaelangelo’s today to get started on your dream landscaping!